A recipe to make your own traditional soap without chemicals but only with olive oil and essential oils.
1 litre of olive oil
300 g water
140g of hot soap or hot potash
100-120 drops of essential oils (5-6 ml).
Heat the water in a saucepan and heat it until lukewarm.
Slowly add the cayenne or potash, stirring the mixture continuously.
Once well dissolved, pour in the oil and continue stirring over low heat.
When the mixture starts to become thicker, turn off the heat and let it get a few more boils.
Remove the pot from the fire, allow it to cool for a while and then put it in moulds which are best placed over oil paper.
When the temperature of the soap drops, pour in the essential oils (so that they do not evaporate).
Let them cure in shade and in 3-4 weeks your soaps will be ready.
Combinations of essential oils for soaps of different uses.
-Soap for weak hair, hair loss (laurel, rosemary, sage)
-Soap for cellulite (rosemary, juniper, cypress, lavender)
-Soap for troubled face, acne (dittany, juniper, lavender)
-Soap for dry skin (lavender, ylang, ylang, ylang)
-Soap for oily skin (lemon, cypress, lavender)
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